PC : My PC is from last year, too lazy to check specs
Flash : I use AS3 so I have to use either CS3 or CS4... Let's just say I use CS3 because I dislike it less than CS4
Longest : I've spent months "working" on flashes but getting very little done because I'm easily distracted
Age : Errr, I can't tell really, my first complete creation I ever published dates from when I was 12-13 years old, but I made quite a bunch of crappy unfinished movies before it
Programs : I have to admit MS Paint & Firefox often play a role in the creation of my games, but aside from Flash and Photoshlarg, nothing
How old are your PC? - 7 months.
how much it have GHz, Ram and Video? - Uhhh, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro.
What is your favourite Flash- MX, Professional 8, CS3 and so on? - CS4
What was your longest flash-creating period? - What do you mean? The longest I worked on a flash? Probably a month or so.
How old were you when you made your first flash movie? And game? - Movie 10/11, Game 11
What programs do you use for creating movies? ( Except, of course, Flash and Photoshop) - Nothing really. My imagination?
cool. My PC is about 5 years old and quite weak.