Blurb about me.
Age 32, Male
% job-name %
% School-Name %
Latvia, Riga
Joined on 8/17/07
cool. now what?
It's a madness movie? With history? and a script?
It's a new approach to killing Madness.
yay another one, what about ashoffka sequal ?
hoy ashoffka... ya know i started this shit but understood that... it's nearly dead.
loool you mispelled but and transformed it into butt you're too funny!
Sounds like some cliche'd shit. Not original.
I don't like the feet style and the gray scale
sounds like you try to make a deep story but it came out stupid.
we'll see. maybe you're right and imma fool. but maybe...
go here plz
<a href="http://m4h0n3y.mybrute.com">http://m4h0n3y.mybrute.com</a>
It may be an interesting and deep story, but if the characters are from madness it will ruin everything. you should use original chars instead.
i was experimenting with styles, but i just couldn't invite something omahfakingad awsum. I have a lot of time (i'll not finish it before madness da'09 for show) so i think i'll work with style later, change their bodies faces etc
sounds stupid