How old are your PC? how much it have GHz, Ram and Video?
What is your favourite Flash- MX, Professional 8, CS3 and so on?
What was your longest flash-creating period?
How old were you when you made your first flash movie? And game?
What programs do you use for creating movies? ( Except, of course, Flash and Photoshop)
PC are 4-5 years old, 2.66Ghz, 512 RAM, GeForce 5200Fx 128 video
My fav is Pro 8
About 6-7 months. huh.
about 13 or 14 years old I made 1st crappy flash movie. And I still don't know AS so good o make a game.
Only Flash and Photoshop.
also, if you are interested:
the sequel to "the Red Ball"
is in progress!!! (about 15% done)